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See below how the cost of Clinton Crossings Adult Patio Homes compare to other similar homes.

Cost Comparison

Monthly Expense For$100,000 Home$125,000 Home $150,000 Home
Real Estate Taxes285355465
Homeowner Insurance404550
Lawn & Snow, Maintenance859095
Large Repairs *160180200
Garbage Removal?????????
Mortgage Of Home Equity?????????
Heating Fuel **140140140
Net Monthly Expenses$815$915$1,055

And you have a home at $100,000-$150,000 with all the hassle and worry of maintenance and daily upkeep.

Monthly Expense At Clinton Crossings$100,000 Home$125,000 Home $150,000 Home
Lawn & Snow, Maintenance000
Large Repairs *000
Garbage Removal000
Expenses before profit from your house1,4751,4751,475
Proceeds from sale of house invested at 6%<500><625><750>
Net Monthly Expenses$975$850$725
You Save - per month-$65$330

And you keep all your money you get from your home - No Upfront Investment!!

Key Advantages

* New roofs, siding, windows, furnace, plumbing, carpets, painting/papering, appliances, kitchen/bath repair, septic system, and other large expenses

* Many gas bills are dramaticaly higher

For a personal tour and financial assessment to determine if you want to reserve your space, contact Megan Hensel at (585) 813-5611.